I am dilated to 1 1/2 cm.
We talked about Ari's size and C-Sections VS Vaginal delivery.
The problem with vaginal is that Ari is growing as if I had gestational diabetes and his torso/abdomen is measuring larger than the rest of his body.
The worry is that if I do vaginal and he is a big baby, his head could come out and then his shoulders could get stuck causing him and then they could potentially damage the nerves in one of his shoulders causing that arm to be paralyzed.
I also brought up the fact that I had that hernia before getting pregnant with him but forgot to tell him until now. He recommended that if we do have a c-section to contact a surgeon to repair my hernia as well so that we can kill two birds with one stone.
So I don't know what is going to happen. I guess we will see.
And I leave you with a picture of my silly boy, Judah sleeping in an odd position.

My youngest was born by c-section for the same reason-he was 9lbs 15oz! I had a great experience with my c-section. A little longer recovery maybe, but it wasn't bad at all. Wow, the 24th isn't too far away. I bet you're ready to meet him.
By the way, I gave you an award. Stop by and pick it up when you can.
Sections scare the bejebous out of me! I'd so much rather vaginal.
Best of luck!
Things will work out. What ever is best for mama and baby is the right choice.
Things will work out. What ever is best for mama and baby is the right choice.
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