He is so sweet, and strong, and resistant and so many other things. I love him more that I could have ever imagined!
Here are some pictures, and when I get the energy and time I will post a full birth story.

He is so big! He also has little restraints on his wrists because he kept pulling all of him connections off. Stinker lol.

BIg hand! You should see how LONG his fingers are!

I keep looking at him and telling Jonathan that he doesn't look like our child!! lol. He looks so different from Judah and Ora. But one thing that makes me know for sure he's mine is his tiny cauliflower ears :) Just like mama.


He is our SUMO baby!

Hey look. A picture of me! Rare. But I need more pictures of my kiddos and me, and now that I am not pregnant I will do a LOT more picture taking with them!

Judah draws very well!


My boys like to give me a run for my money and make the first few weeks hard on this momma!!!

Judah was SO excited to meet Ari. It melted my heart!

No more restraints or sedation! He gets to move and stuff now!

Holding daddys hand!

Aww I loved holding him! I wanna hold him more!

Very mixed emotions. I was so happy I was crying to being able to hold him, but crying because I was sad to have to leave him in the NICU as I went home. We will visit him everyday until my man comes home!
That is all for now. These are all just phone pics. I have some other pictures and videos to play later once I upload them! :)
what a cutie!! love the picture of you holding him.
He is SO precious!! How much did he weigh?
Congrats!!! What a gift, children are such a blessing! and wow, what a BIG guy! :) Praying his time in the NICU is short and he can go home with mama soon!
Beautiful baby! Congratualtions. I hope he gets to come home soon.
He is so different from Judah and Ora, but every time I look at his photos and see you both...he is definitely "JohnathanandCari" I just don't know why. :-) Sending prayers your way.
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